The Deceitfulness of Habitual Sin

It’s time for a Bible Revival!

I love the anointing, I love the miracles, and I love the preaching of the gospel! But the Holy Spirit is holy. In some ways, this generation has backed off from the repentance aspect of the gospel— that we must turn away from our sin. Obviously there’s room for growth in our discipleship and there are times we’ll make mistakes. But we shouldn’t want to sin. The evidence of a born-again heart is someone who loves holiness. My good friendEvangelist Nathan Morris says, “Holiness is often mistaken for religion, but its not, it’s intimacy. When you love Him, you want to live holy for Him.” That’s our goal, to love God with our entire being and live our lives pleasing to Him. Checkout the following snippet from our latest teaching called Character Before Anointing.

Matthew 7:21-23
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them,‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

The people Jesus is referring to literally did cast out devils, they did prophesy, and they did perform wonders in the name of Jesus. I believe they were indeed operating in the dunamis power and gifts of the Spirit. And yet, Jesus rejects them. The reason is clear: “I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practise lawlessness.” The word practise, is the key word here. Jesus isn’t talking about weak Christians, He’s talking about habitual unrepentant sin. People who don’t really know God, they claim too, but they don’t know Him, or they have turned away from Him.

Matthew 7:20

Therefore by their fruits you will know them

My heart is to not only teach on miracle-working power, but to emphasise the importance of character and godly living. How do we recognise if we have just missed the mark, or whether we’ve entered into habitual sin? There is a scriptural difference between weak and wicked. When Jesus said, “I never knew you, depart from me, you who practise lawlessness,” He’s referring to continual unrepentant sin. When people think they can continue in sexual immorality, or another habitual sin, and still minister in the name of Jesus, that would fall into the category of wicked. However, If you are weak in an area, or working through an area where you’ve had a bad day or a bad week, I want to encourage you to not fall into a place of condemnation. Just because you’ve had a bad day, or you’ref eeling weak, doesn’t mean you’ve lost your salvation or that His power has left you. There’s a difference between weak and wicked. We just have to be careful because it’s possible to fall into a place of practising lawlessness and being wicked, and yet still performing signs and wonders. We should desire to first and foremost live our lives in away pleasing to God, bearing good fruit.

How Can You Engage?

Want more? Check out the rest of the lecture for free at our online Bible School!

At the Bible Revival Online School, our heart is to release selected content completely for free! If God has been speaking to you through this month’s devotional “The Deceitfulness of Sin”, we encourage you to enroll into our Free Resources module and view the rest of the written teaching, as well as a video lecture featuring Evangelist Nathan Morris!

Also part of our Free Resources module are teachings on The Prophetic, The Word of God, The Power of the Gospel, and more!

For those of you desiring to dive deeper into the Word and have access to all our content, we offer our twelve-month program called Deep-Dive With Coaching, here is what we offer as part of the program.

What We Offer:

  • Personal Orientation Session where we will set out to tailor your personalised coaching plan.

  • Fortnightly Group Coaching via live video conferencing: talk about how your going withactivations, quizzes, go over questions, progress report from lectures, struggles, testimonies

  • Upon successful completion of 18 modules a Certificate of Completion will be awarded

  • We will release new content on a regular basis

  • We will be available for ongoing interaction via the comments and email during businesshours (Tuesday to Friday 9am-4pm)

  • Bonus all in zoom meetings

  • Potential to be a part of an internship program during second year

  • VIP invite for annual retreat and other special events, such as special breakout rooms forstudents at conferences, during the year (dependent on Covid-19 restrictions).

If you have any questions please email:

Daniel Hagen